Government Official go Results Found: 5 Button group with nested dropdown County of Lake County of Lake 255 North Forbes Street Lakeport CA 95453 (707) 263-2580 Greg Folsom Greg Folsom 3950 Oak Drive Clearlake CA 95422 (707) 900-1260 John Garamendi, US Representative John Garamendi, US Representative 2438 Rayburn HOB Washington DC 20515 (707) 438-1822 Kan Totem Incorporated Kan Totem Incorporated 12768 Island Cer ClearLake Oaks CA 95423 (408) 661-4853 Mireya Turner, Mayor, Lakeport City C... Mireya Turner, Mayor, Lakeport City Council 225 Park St Lakeport CA 95453 (707) 263-5615 x 12